Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Democracy has failed


I think not. How can voting once every 3/4 years for 'them' or 'them' be democratic? The 'them' who got the most votes claim they have been given a mandate for whatever they want until the next time we vote.

A new year has started. The insults and criticisms are being hurled around every parliamentary session and American Presidential fiasco has started. Is it all just a very expensive game? Where is democracy in all this?

The term originates from the Greek δημοκρατία (dēmokratía) 'rule of the people'.

According to political scientist Larry Diamond, it consists of four key elements:

(a) A political system for choosing and replacing the government through free and fair elections;
(b) The active participation of the people, as citizens, in politics and civic life;
(c) Protection of the human rights of all citizens,
(d) A rule of law, in which the laws and procedures apply equally to all citizens. Wikipedia

So much for all that. I'll stick with rule by the people.

Voter polling shows that about 60/70 % of Aussies support euthanasia and have done for many years but we still have not passed it into law because the politician don't want it (democratic?)

Corey Bernardi is an Australian Senator who says he will not support gay marriage even if a plebiscite supports it. So much for democracy!

Should Australia allow same sex marriage?
Yes - 51,909 votes - 68% No - 22,059 votes

Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi says he has been "proved correct" that legalising same-sex marriage would lead to demands to endorse polygamy. The mind boggles.

Is Australia to be held to the undemocratic crazy beliefs of the Christian minority?

Australia is a multicultural secular country: it just isn't a democratic one.

We need a new and better way using technology.

I need to think about this. I'll keep you posted.

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