Wednesday, February 17, 2016


More thoughts on how we are not a Democracy.

The American Presidential Election is a circus and Donald Trump is the leading clown.

Is this democracy?

The other day Bill Shorten said 'Under a Shorten Labor Government...'

Is this democracy?

We are in fact ruled by political parties of this ilk or that: groups of people with vested interests.

The other day the Busselton City Council voted down a shopping complex proposal 5 to 4 after lobbying by some business interests in town although it appears most of the ratepayers want the development. We were not asked.

This is not democracy. Yes, 'The People' have a say every so many years but that is it.

The purpose of the government is to distribute the taxes levied for the benefit of these tax payers. They must provide infrastructure so we can move about, eat, sleep, make sure we are educated and keep us healthy and safe.

Governments need to concentrate solely on these things. Simplistic perhaps, but this stops governments trying to dictate how the tax payers live their lives.  

This is all about power over us. It  is not democracy.

Instead governments are selling of utilities, education and healthcare so that these services, for which we pay taxes, are put into the hands of people who want to make a profit from our illnesses, education our children etc.

We need another way

Any ideas?

Walk in the light and do no harm.

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