Friday, February 26, 2016

Get God out of Goverment

Today I participated in a survey for the Australian Secular Party which started me thinking. Their main tenet seems to be - Get God out of Government' with which   I agree fully.

I voted for them in the senate election last time we had an election and had the choice of give or take 60 candidates!

The survey was all about what we, their subscribers, thought about general policies. I agreed mostly with their tenets but disagreed entirely when they mention nuclear. My feeling is leave it all in the earth where it belongs although I still need to think about the medical uses.

Below are some of their policies which I pinched from their website -
Foreign policy
International Law

The Secular Party recognises that civilisation is sustained by the rule of law. Globally, we support the enhancement of the International Criminal Court as a means of dealing with problems, rather than arbitrary superpower intervention. We support the development of international corporate law as a means of addressing adverse transnational corporate behaviour.   […]

The Secular Party recognises that monarchies embody the concept of hereditary privilege, and that this is incompatible with the principle of equal human rights. The British monarch is also head of the Church of England. Having the monarch as the Australian Head of State is thus a violation of the basic secular principle of separation […]

Law and Justice
Incarceration The Secular Party recognises the need for incarceration to prevent harm, to foster reform and as a deterrent. Revenge should not be a motivation in punishment. The Secular Party advocates policies that stress rehabilitation, crime prevention and harm minimisation. One law for all The rule of law is best upheld and universal human rights […]

Prayers, Pledges and Labels
Prayers, pledges and labels   Oaths and prayers Oaths sworn in association with a chosen religious book have legal standing in Australia. Prayers to a particular deity are used to open parliaments and religious references are made on other ceremonial occasions. The veracity of such oaths and the solemnity of such occasions are not enhanced […]

Immigration and Population
Global population is a significant issue in dealing with many environmental problems. Australia is a dry but relatively rich country, and has a low population compared with our neighbours. Australia’s resource wealth will enable us to maintain a privileged position in the global community. The Secular Party is opposed to policies that encourage a higher […]

The Secular Party recognises that those who have become marginalised in society, such as drug users, criminals and the mentally ill, need support and fair treatment. Our view is that unwarranted cuts to services, that push responsibilities back to carers or others, merely create further problems. Our policy is to provide incentives for individuals and […]

Tax exemptions for religion Religious institutions receive significant advantages in terms of tax exemptions and benefits. At the same time these institutions are largely unaccountable for their receipt and distribution of funds. The policy of the Secular Party is to end these religious tax exemptions and subsidies. This will benefit the average taxpayer and a […]

The Secular Party stands for the use of balanced judgement in economics, rather than any ideology. We recognise the general need for balanced budgets, but do not accept free market fundamentalism. In cases of market failure, government intervention is required. We recognise that Australia’s role as a major resource exporter is a significant factor in […]

Health funding The Secular Party recognises the need for health services to be accessible and affordable for all citizens, including dental care and prescription medicines. We recognise that multiple funding streams, together with the burden of oversight means that private health insurance, and particularly public subsidies for private health care, are an additional inefficient burden, […]

Environment and climate change
We recognise global warming as a significant and dire threat to global civilisation. To address the problem, global carbon dioxide emissions must be reduced dramatically. Existing ‘cap and trade’ proposals may not achieve anything like the magnitude of reduction required. They may therefore be a counterproductive diversion. The required global emission reductions are equivalent to […]

Intellectual property
The Secular Party recognises that intellectual property rights protect the interests of creators and provide incentives for innovation. However property rights should not be derived from non-creative findings. Indigenous communities should maintain ownership of innovations derived from their custodial knowledge, and patents derived from the human genome, the custodial property of us all, should be […]

Censorship and freedom of expression
Blasphemy laws Christian-based blasphemy laws still exist in Australia, despite being rarely used. Islamic nations have campaigned in the United Nations to have laws banning blasphemy made mandatory worldwide. All such laws are an attempt to impose religious law, and to impose it in particular upon those who do not believe in that or any […]

Human Rights and anti-discrimination
Children The Secular Party believes that the UN International Convention on the Rights of the Child should be enshrined in legislation so that children receive fair and equitable treatment, without being taken advantage of or being abused. We endorse institutions that support and educate parents in parenting issues including preschools, schools and other organisations that […]

Education Policy
Education and funding The Secular Party recognises the societal benefits of a well-funded and high-quality education system. This is best provided by teaching based on universal values and principles, and school curricula founded on reason and evidence consistent with academic expertise. Currently, funding is inequitable and fails to properly resource students with complex needs, leading […]

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