1 February 2016 Monday
Today is cold in SW Australia, It's February and should be unbearably hot. I'd been saving up to buy an air conditioner but last December with enough money in my piggybank I decided an air conditioner was really a waste so looked for some environmentally friendly company to invest in.
For years I've been looking at the solar panels littering people's roofs and wondered why no-one invented a solar roof instead and in my hunt a found Dyesol, an Aussie company in NSW. Rejoice with me for I found that which had not been before invented.
Dyesol is a global leader in Dye Solar Cell (DSC) materials, technology and know-how. DSC is a photovoltaic technology enabling metal, glass and plastic based products in the building, transport and electronics sectors to generate energy and improve energy efficiency. Dyesol partners with leading multinational companies who possess significant market share and established routes-to-market. - See more at: http://www.dyesol.com/about-dyesol/vision-mission#sthash.QMnNTeyE.dpuf.
Since then I've been thinking about the importance of light. It is necessary for all life.
Then there is darkness which equates with death. The darkness of death, guns, violence, hate, jealousy, envy, power, wars, ISIS and from there I moved on to religion: all religions. Religion is dark.
The moment someone believes something they believe it is right, therefore everything else is wrong even if giving others the right to opposing views, which seem illogical to me. If you're right, your right and others are wrong. Most people believe what they were brought up to believe without any logic.
My brain is tired with all ths thinking and it is time I did some work.
Live in the light and do no harm.
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